And what if you never share your story? What if you never share your gifts? What if you feel frustrated because you are not feeling you are being paid abundantly?

Have you ever asked yourself those questions?

My client is launching a new offer and she was in her head wondering … If anyone will buy, if anyone will sign up, if her pricing is right, if she will lose people because she is creating a very specific course that won’t be for everyone.

We had to look at those stories and unpack them.

Why would she be afraid to share what really lights her up?

Why would she feel as a failure ? (if no one would buy)

Why is she trying to go cheap vs going with what she really wants to charge?

Your biz is your reflection and it will bring up all the doubts and fears...

Yet you get to look deeper on what you are feeling, thinking, and what’s coming up when you want to raise your prices, when you want to be sharing new service or product.

We were able to shift her mindset on how she sees herself and her offers.

Get really clear on who she really wants to be working with and why.

Looked at her limiting beliefs and why they came up now (reprogramming with NLP and somatic work helped).

And then she was able to create and sell-out program that was really on her heart.

Because she understood her power, her gifts, her voice, and knowing that only she can share with the world her impact.

What is coming up for you when you are launching, creating anything new or raising your pricing?