On this episode, we talked about: 

Living a life with pleasure
Finding the divine within
Understanding that we are already divine
Different doses: micro-dosing and full dose journey
Connecting with source
The first step is to become aware
The answers are already within you

"Psychedelics brought me back home to myself while alcohol and dieting made me detached from myself"


"Psychedelics are not a magic pill, they are not going to do the work for you, but they are going to help you as you do the work"


"I see mushrooms as medicine that can help us in every stage of our life"



About Leslie:

Leslie Draffin is an internationally certified menstrual cycle coach, microdosing practitioner, psychedelic integration guide, feminine embodiment mentor, and podcast host who is passionate about helping people embrace their bodies, cycles, and psychedelics.
 She supports conscious women & menstruators who want to heal themselves through intentional microdosing, psychedelic integration, womb reconnection & cyclical living.

Leslie believes sacred Earth medicine has the power to bring us home to ourselves, awaken our authenticity and heal the trauma locked within our subconscious.You can listen to her podcast, The Light Within, on your favorite podcast app. Connect with her on Instagram @LeslieDraffin and @thelightwithinpodcast.


Website / Social Media Handles:

IG: @LeslieDraffin



PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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