I feel like each and every one of us came to a point in our lives that we have dimmed our lights.

So we don’t intimidate others, so others don’t feel uncomfortable, because we wanted to fit and to be loved.

We dimmed it and then we felt like we couldn’t make everyone happy anyway.


I love to ask myself and my clients

Would you want your daughter, your best friend or your younger sister to dim her light?
Would you want her to be less than she is?
Or would you want her to own her power?


Ask yourself….


When did I not feel safe to be me in the past?

Who did I see dimming their lights and I thought that’s how it’s supposed to be?


What happened that make you feel that you can’t express yourself fully?


Allow these questions to soak in.

Allow the answers to come up.


Observe them.

Love them.


And then shift them.


Because what the world needs is women who are lit up and unapologetic not women who are walking quietly in the darkness.