Most of her life she struggled with the desire to fit in and the limiting perfectionism.

It wasn't until she gave herself the permission to show up as she truly is that she started to heal her wounds.

Yvonne Szefer Hanson is a spiritual teacher and transformational mindset and business mentor.

She specializes in intuitive transformation through healing and creating.

With years of deep diving into her own transformational healing journey, and working with intuitive healers, mentors, and guides across the globe, she has a passion for sharing her gifts with the world.

Yvonne shares her knowledge of transformational work with other seekers on the endless pursuit of internal growth. Yvonne mentors women one on one and in group settings.

She guides sisterhood circles, workshops, and Goddess Warrior Women's retreats around the world.

Yvonne feels her most powerful gift her intuitive art of connection created among the women who attend her live events.


You can connect with Yvonne:


Follow me on social media:



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