When was the last time you let loose?

When you didn't care what other people think of you and just felt complete freedom?

Guided by her Core Values of Authenticity, Passion and a focus to help women gain confidence and live their best life, Tara loves what she does... 

A Fitness Professional with over eighteen years experience, Tara has traveled the world as a featured Master Trainer spreading her love of dance and creating connections with women to "unleash & let go"

Tara's latest creation is Tone & Tease, a workout where she rocks your soul through dance. Tara has revolutionized dance fitness with this workout, giving every single woman who participates, regardless of their fitness level, the confidence to feel empowered and sexy in one single class. 

Her Vision: 
To ignite & inspire women to love themselves completely, 
building their confidence so they can live their best life...



Tara shares her top tips on how to neutralize negative emotions and let go:

1. Invest & trust in Coaching

2. Learn about NLP
(Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, the United States in the 1970s.)

3. Move your body - change your state

4. Surround yourself with real people who love you for YOU

5. Quiet your mind - the power of silence and meditation 

Strong Tip - Be yourself - no more running away and numbing

Ready to step into your power, feel confident and create the life you deserve?

Book your free intro coaching session:


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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/petia.kolibova

Instagram: http://instagram.com/be.strong.minded/

Email: [email protected]

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