Have you also made this mistake?


Doing what everyone else is doing instead of listening to your own inner guidance that Shows you what’s correct for you? 


Been there done that 😬


When I followed, invested in and listened to many others who were further ahead of me.


Because I thought if I do exactly what they did I will succeed too.


Yet when most people were teaching me how to succeed they were sharing their unique way of what works for them personally. 


So then I taught others what was specific for me.




I’m a specific manifestor and sacral generator so I was teaching that way unconsciously before I learned about human design and understood the depth of how we are each so unique.


Here are three steps that will work for you to manifest your desires even if you’re not deeply familiar with human design. 


Be specific 
(get crystal clear in your goals, desires and wants) 
Be general 
(what would it feel like, look like, to live the life that you desire, and then detach from the how. Let the universe surprise you) 
Focus on the feeling 
(it is the feeling of already having it that will align you with your desires) 


Which of these steps works for you the best when manifesting your desires? 



Ps. Make sure to join us on our Soulful Success Experience where I along with other 20 speakers guide you on how to create success from your soul. 
