We say we want to grow. 


We say we want to expand...


AND the reality?


Sometimes we are afraid when we grow we will leave people behind, that people will judge us...


So, we stay where we are because subconsciously we are afraid to be abandoned. 


Yet consciously we “think” we are doing aaaaaalll the things to grow. 


Today’s podcast is really a permission slip for you to grow, to expand...


Knowing that your growth, not your playing it small is inspiring others. 


I also share my personal story where I was afraid to grow too much and be paid more than my husband. 


Check IN and see what stories you were telling yourself about growing. 


When I realized what I was doing with my mindset and how I was limiting myself (because it just didn’t feel good to have those thoughts!) 


I started to write them all down and one by one started to replace them with what I desired instead...

It helped me break the glass ceiling I have created for myself in my relationship and also in my biz. 


What beliefs you get to release?


Ps. You can still join me for my five weeks to five figures program where I teach you the mindset, energetics and exact strategies on how to create five and multiple five figure months with ease. 




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Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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