Do you have days that you feel like you wish that you can turn off the world?

This past week was so hard for me and my husband. 


We have experienced a tragic accident and we are still processing it. 


Me and baby girl are safe and ok, it wasn’t about us, it was about our friends who are like family to us. 


And as we are going through these challenging times we are also noticing how much we have changed. 


How we chose to create space for healing vs running away. 

How we chose to nurture vs numbing. 


How our true nature as we saw in Human Design came up and we were deeply supported by a tribe we didn’t even realized we have had. 


No matter what you are going through. How big or small it can feel to you, honor it, feel it, and lean on what feels right to you. 


Whether you need to be alone and process things, whether you get to talk it out, whether you get to lean on your tribe or community, you do you love. 


Your biz will be there when you come back, your life will be there…


Just honor what you are experiencing and know, you are not alone. 


I love you, I see you, I receive you…