Have you ever pushed on an unplugged treadmill? 


It is hard!!! It is doable but hard. 


And we were taught that hard is the way to go! 


Yet I am here to tell you that there is an easier way, that you don’t have to be pushing and sweating it so much. 


Imagine an unplugged treadmill and all the hard work you are putting into it and then you see people on other treadmills, people around you who are going with ease and on whatever speed and incline they desire. 


You decide to ask for help to learn how to do it easier in life and you hire a coach or a mentor. 


Your life becomes more clear, you feel a sense of purpose and direction and you are feeling like the momentum keeps getting better and better. It feels like your treadmill has been plugged into electricity and you are experiencing so much more ease. 


And then with all the enthusiasm and results you just say to yourself all the things to get back to your comfort, to your old self:
I don’t have time

I don’t have more money to invest 

I am doing much better 

It isn’t so bad anymore 


And you quit. 


You unplug. 


You thank your coach and say I am good for now. 


Yet, have you really asked yourself if you fulfilled the contract?

Not only the legal one, but your soul’s contract with your mentor. 


The energy you put out into the world is the one that will make it back to you. 


So if you are in fear, scarcity, or out of integrity, it will come back to you. 


You will end up pushing your treadmill with heaviness again. 


Of course, you can move and get to places, but wouldn’t you love to be guided, loved, nurtured and supported?

I am opening new spots for next quarter for my 1:1 coaching and would love to see how I can support you on your journey to fulfillment, abundance and impact. 


Schedule your free call below to see if you are a good fit. 

