Hey love, so excited to have you on another solo episode of this podcast.

As I’m still adjusting from coming from bikini Bali to sweater Vegas weather I wanted to share with you the things that made the biggest difference in our Bali retreat this past week. 


I want to share with you the three steps on how to find and live your purpose as that seemed to be a common thread with our participants too.

1. Heal your past and forgive - yourself and others
We get to heal and reconnect with our inner child. Connect with the little girl and what she needed to hear when growing up?

Try the hooponopono hawaii method for forgiving others and yourself.


2. Who are you beeing now?
We get to know what are our core values and what do we stand for.
When we are fully present to who we really are and we are feeling grounded and confident we attract more of what we desire as the energy matches.

You can also connect with you future / higher self in meditation or visualization to know, you are always guided and ask for help. 


3. What is your ultimate life vision?
Where do you see yourself in three years?
How can you break it down in bite size steps and bring it into the most important question - what can I do NOW?

I know this seems too much however, in my years of coaching and now also hosting live events and retreats I know we get to cover it from the past to the future to realign with our purpose and living it.

And because I know many of you couldn’t come with us to sunny Bali I am creating women’s weekend for self growth on December 13th in Las Vegas.

This is for women who are ready to heal the past, connect with their deepest desires and start living it in the now. 


I’m taking with me only 6 women to this intimate weekend, so if you are searching clarity, healing, and also actionable steps and strategies on how to live your purpose, this is for you.

Send me DM on my instagram @petiakolibova, an email to [email protected] to set a free call to apply to see if you are the right fit for this transformational weekend. 


Ps: Have you join my free private FB group yet? It’s only high vibe ladies who are supporting each other thrive in life.

Excited to see you there! http://bit.ly/FBtocoaching