On this episode, we talked about:

It's okay to hold boundaries and say no
Forget to love myself
We have to come home to ourselves
Slow down and trust the medicine within you
Look at the patterns of your life
Start doing things for yourself
Finding out what your purpose is


"If we feel stuck and overwhelmed, it´s probably linked to something that we grew up with"

"We have to look back at things and know why they are happening"


"We are always on the journey of healing, but we can learn to love ourselves"



About Gurds:

Gurds is a trauma coach and inner work expert for high-achieving women, her mission is to empower them to transform trauma and trust themselves, so they can powerfully move forward in their life.


With 11 years of experience in trauma healing, boundaries and inner child work, women come to Gurds for advice, guidance and tools to become happier, healthier, and peaceful through her Infinite Trust Method and Rise Up Sister VIP Day and so much more. Her community is powerful and full of awesome sisters, growing, evolving and healing.


For two years, Gurds has studied the ancient wisdom of women and the wounds of patriarchy to help them stand in their power, and reclaim parts of themselves that they had lost, forgotten or abandoned. Gurds is no stranger to trauma, she has healed many things her, my life including, childhood trauma, depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. Gurds has healed familial, ancestral, cultural, societal, relationship and first-generational trauma.


Gurds is committed to helping women feel seen, heard and understood. Her podcast was named as one of the Best Inner Peace Podcasts 2020 and she was interviewed on Hay House Radio.


Website / Social Media Handles:

Web: gurdshundal.com

Ig: @iamgurds

Tiktok: tiktok.com/iamgurds


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PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!


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