I get to admit…


I take this very personally 🙋🏻‍♀️


For me seeing women who have gifts, who are deeply desiring to help others, who are here to do things differently (than just hustle and work hard and letting life passed by)….that are not abundantly paid breaks my ♥️.


Because I was that woman!


I used to charge $100 a session that took me an hour to prepare, an hour to lead, follow up and an hour or two to send detailed notes and strategies plus being in contact with my clients on an almost daily basis 😬


I LOVED coaching women and I felt burned out and frustrated that it’s taking so much time and energy.


I had to reassess how I serve and whom and what I charge.


I had to work through my old limiting beliefs that were instilled in me generationally.


I had to work on my mindset and energy.


I had to start feeling worthy of having a great life and not sacrificing my whole self.


Because that’s what I have seen in my grandma, my mom and so many women around me.


I don’t want this to be you.


I want you to have it all.


The money that brings you peace, the time with loved ones and the freedom to be and do whatever you truly desire.


I know I probably shouldn’t but I take it personally…


I want to see you succeed.


And if you want that too join my free training FIVE STEPS TO FIVE FIGURES where I teach you how to create sustainable income without putting everything else on the back burner.


sign up HERE⬇️




Can’t wait to see you there!




Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

Link to review is below:
