Previous Episode: How to be a magnetic mama
Next Episode: Ignite your Inner Glow

Today, I'm thrilled to chat with Katerina Burianova, a mindful architect. Join us as Katerina shares her journey into architecture and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning. Discover how mindfulness and spirituality influence her work and her advice for aspiring architects and entrepreneurs. Don't miss this inspiring conversation on blending masculine and feminine energies in architecture! 


Mindfulness and spirituality can be incorporated into architecture to bring balance and creativity. Practices like meditation and gratitude can help architects stay grounded and avoid burnout. 
The importance of self-care and setting boundaries when running your own business.  
Starting your own architecture firm can be a lonely journey, but seeking support and mentorship from others in the field can make a significant difference. 


About Katerina:

Katerina is a licensed architect living in a coastal town in Southern California. Originally from the Czech Republic, Katerina came to the US as a young child. Growing up between the two cultures allowed her the fortune of learning and experiencing the world through a unique perspective.  


Today, Katerina is the owner of her own architecture firm: Katerina Burianova Architecture Inc, specializing in custom high end residential homes. When not immersed in the world of architecture Katerina loves to spend time on her yoga mat, hiking with her husband or swimming in the ocean.  



IG: @katerinaburianova_architecture



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