On this episode, we talked about:

Awareness precedes choice
Experiencing our energetical level
Every answer I got I questioned it
There's no an ultimate true
We try to control things when we feel unsafe
Remembering that life is good
Checking in with yourself
The illusion of financial freedom
The God I serve has never made a mistake
Tapping into the power inside of us
Saying yes to the great

"We ask a disempowered question, we get an answer and we believe the answer; what changed for me as I started to question the answers"


"Every human that comes to this planet it's pre-wired to look for safety and approval"


"I declare, claim and accept that I am perfect, whole and complete, I am a unique emanation of the divine"


About Preston:

I AM a messenger of love sent here to remind us all that when we AMPLIFY our LOVE we automatically AMPLIFY our lives. I could list a bunch of things that would make me look “important” and “successful”, but what I want you to know about me is I truly care about people, our planet, and about maximizing my potential. I’m committed to knowing that when I leave this world that my tank was empty, because I gave ALL that I had and then some in the name of LOVE. So whether I’m speaking, leading workshops, writing books, or making conscious content through social media, it’s all in SERVICE of the same thing….LOVE.