With everything going on in the world, we all need a little bit more LOVE in our lives, don’t we?

Let me then reshare with you my story on how to attract and keep your true love in your life by sharing steps on how I attracted the love of my life. 


See, when growing up I saw this pattern in my mom and my grandma, to serve, to put your needs on the side, to nurture, to do everything for everyone YET being left behind. 


Sooo unconsciously I started to do it a little bit differently. 


I started to take care of my men, nurture them, serve them and make them dependable on me while I was depending on their love, approval, and validation. 


Doesn’t sound like a fairy tale, does it?

It doesn't sound even healthy to me if you would ask…


I now know that my soul chose this path of toxic relationships to know the contrast, to know clearly what I do stand for, and what I desire and truly need. 


If you are still going through life without true love or you desire to deepen your relationship with your partner, remember, you get to become the LOVE your heart desires first. 


Ask yourself:
What would it FEEL like to be in the kind of relationship you desire?

How can you create this feeling now?
What would it look like day to day to be in love with yourself, life and your partner?
What would be possible when you are in a loving relationship?
What is your non-negotiable for your relationship?
Who are you BEing when you are in your dream relationship?

And if you are ready to call in the ONE and create a deep, loving, loyal relationship while rediscovering the love for yourself, healing your past wounds and getting crystal clear on your desires, join us in Tulum with my love for True Love in Tulum. 


One week of life-changing retreat experience to create the LOVE you so desire and deserve. 


Reserve your spot below as we keep this retreat small and intimate. 




I will see you there! 


Ps. Can’t take a week off? No worries, join us virtually and get lifetime access to all recordings, session with me and session with Chris plus session with our facilitator Abigail Tanori, light language healer.