On this episode, we talked about:

Driving scarcity and fear
Everyone is here with their own mission
Leading our mission our way
Living in abundance every single day
Falling in love with yourself
Understanding how money works
We have the ability to create any reality that we desire
Falling in love where you are right now
Starting to celebrate money
Alligning to money beliefs
We are compensated for the leadership that we do in this world
Be where you are

"We are all here on our own unique life paths"


"Fall in love with yourself and fall in love with your journey and really need the creator"


"If my money and my incomes are a direct reflection of me, all I have to do is change myself in order for the money to change"



About Jenna:

- Leading leaders into alignment to expand in business & rise into the frequency of rich

- Energetics / Mystics of Money

- Grateful 7 fig. mentor