In this episode, we talked about:
Learning to trust ourselves and others
Remembering to be fully present
Having a clear path to follow
Having the tools to improve
Confidence is key to everything


"I didn't have all the things figured out by myself and I needed someone with an outside perspective"


"Trusting and not thinking of how you are going to make things happen"


"Forget about the how and just focus on your why and what you really want"

About Odeth:
Might sound like a cliche yet… Confidence is truly the key to a fulfilling life. 

When I met Odeth she was working in a job where she was underpaid and afraid to show up as her true self. 

And it was such an honor and pleasure to witness her rising and blooming in her truth and power during our coaching together. 

She stepped into her confidence and learned how to trust her intuition and her gifts. 

Now she left her job that was unfulfilling and was taking her precious energy and is following her heart by using different modalities that she has mastered as human design, tarot readings, massages, yin yoga, kundalini yoga and many others to help her clients reset, heal and live a life of vibrancy. 

What do you feel would be possible for you when you step into your truth confidently? 


PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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