Did you know that declaring your desires in a safe, sacred space will help them bring forth faster?


If you would have told me just a few years ago I wouldn’t believe you. 


Yet through the testimonials and stories of our retreat participants, it is undeniable. 


When we come together intentionally and consciously with others who want us to win, who see us, love us and support us for where we are and who we are, our dreams are manifested so much faster. 


I am smiling as I am sharing this with you because when we did a breakthrough exercise with our participants on our retreat in Tulum and they wrote where they see themselves in six months. Most of the participants ARE IT and are living it because they dared to go after what their hearts truly desired!


Here are some results that women experienced after attending our event in Tulum:


Katherine left a job that wasn’t fulfilling for her and built her own project and company that is revolutionizing women’s health and fertility. 


Candice declared she will earn 8K in a single month and she received 13K and is continuing to expand. 


Madison is moving out from living with relatives and adventuring by traveling the world being highly paid and living in a sunny Florida. 


Jody left her old role and started the 100% commission role that she desired to do. Her mental health has never been better. 


These are just a couple of examples of women who invested in live events and allowed themselves to be seen, to be vulnerable, to expand and grow. 


They declared their dreams with others who poured in love, energy, and support. 


What could your life look like if you know you are supported and guided through the processes and energetics of your expansion?



Ps. We still have available spots for our Soulful Success Mastermind for Sep 29th - Oct 2nd 2022. 


Join us to rewrite your old paradigms and walk away with a blueprint of your own soul success. 




Also, please DM me on Instagram with any questions:



I love you, I see you, I receive you.