On this episode, we talked about:

Focusing on what we created
Tunning in with the divine
Knowing who you really are
Wherever you are is perfect
Taking time for yourself
Being in your purpose


"Love from others that believe in us and see us, it's really important to know who you really are"


"Tunning inside for divine guidance rather than trying to go fast and not live at all"


"Showing up consistently and relentlessly and with so much love, over and over and over"



About Bekah:

I am sharing this with such a full heart. Working with Bekah upgraded me on so many levels as a person, woman and coach. 


We connected with Bekah Komar on Instagram and instantly clicked (are you noticing patterns with my clients by now? Of instant connection…?) 


After just two days of Dm’s, we jumped on a call and had an amazing conversation about life and also about her current mentor for group coaching Dannette May who I have interviewed on my podcast. 


When we were wrapping up the call, Bekah casually asked, so how do I work with you?

Knowing now she is a manifestor in Human Design it doesn’t surprise me, but back then I just really wanted to connect and didn’t even think about coaching her. 


Right on that first connection and call she signed up for 12 months coaching and paid 6 months in full. 


She broke my limiting belief that I used to have that it takes a lot of time to create a connection with someone to trust you and hire you on a high-price offer. 


Witnessing her for over a year that we ended up coaching together was so inspiring and life-giving. 


She went from go go go achiever mentality into leaving her corporate job, launching a podcast, moving to Nicaragua where she is now building her dream home, planning to build a retreat center and is impacting lives globally through her spiritual coaching biz for light workers. 


I am celebrating Bekah today for leaving old patterns, beliefs, realities and creating something that she is excited to wake up to while she is surrounded by tropical nature, love, amazing team and clients who adore her. 


She always loved and saw me as her big sister and it was and is such an honor to witness such a loving leader in the world spreading her wings. 


Love you Bekah. 


Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to guide you.