Are you feeling stuck?

Like there is so much you would love to create, do or have and it feels like you don’t even know how to move in the right direction?


Sometimes we are such masters in creating our own obstacles as we are focusing on creating new things with old ways of thinking. 


We get stuck on the HOW we will do it, get there, have it and lose so much energy on looking for answers we can’t get from our current point of view. 


That's why I am inviting you today to shift from the HOW to WHO. 


Who is living the life you want to live?
Who is inspiring you these days?
Who is making you curious about new things?
Who can you hire?
Who can you collaborate with?
Who can you co-create something new with?


Your own current point of view can’t get you further than you already are as if you would know you would already be there. 


Focus on the WHO and your life path will become so much richer, freer and fun. 


WHO are you connecting with this week so they can support you in living your dream life?