When did you decide to stop believing in miracles?

And I don’t mean in any biblical sense now.

Each and every moment I look at our daughter, Sophia Marie, I’m in awe!

What a miracle!!

Each and every cell of her body, each little piece of her was created in my body.

I co-created her!

I birthed her!🤍

And there isn’t a thing on her that I don’t see as a perfection.

Yet I know I never saw myself as a miracle.

I saw myself as loser and waste of space 😔

So I started wonder, when did I stop believing I’m a miracle?

When did I start to see myself as not enough, as fat, as unworthy, as not smart enough, as not special enough?

What we believe about ourselves will reflect on our health, relationships and also abundance we allow in our lives.

If you’re not feeling right now abundant in all areas…


And ask yourself, do I see myself as a miracle?

As you would about a little human that came to this world so worthy, so lovable, so beautiful?