On this episode, we talked about:

The Cycle of Self-harm and Co-dependence
Breaking the gap into possibilities
Come home to yourself and be in a state of higher consciousness
Your relationship with light is the primal
Let light guide your mind
Elevate your vibration throughout your day
You can be anywhere and you are free
Sense what is really going on

"Transmutation happens when we're firmly committed to being more in the now and living the stories"


"Your words have impact: the words that you speak, they create everything around you"


"You are here right now: you cannot breathe the air from two weeks right now, you are breathing now"


About Christina:

Christina Hill is a world-renowned channeler and celebrity coach who partners with Athella, the Blue Ray Be-ing from Sirius B that heals human beings. Christina is the first human to ever transconfigure into a Sirian, and is the first person ever to channel onstage at Carnegie Hall NYC alongside Deepak Chopra and Michael Beckwith from The Secret. Christina and Athella are featured in the acclaimed Gaia film "Tuning In: Angels and Aliens", and have released several other films to raise awareness around Blue Ray Light and the power of Athella's healing Light.