Welcome, Abundant Soul, to another enriching episode of the Unapologetically Abundant Podcast!  Today, as I celebrate my 40th birthday with loved ones, I'm pausing to honor the incredible journey of my clients.  Each story is a testament to the power of self-belief and the courage to embrace abundance:   From Trish, who ignited her real estate business with self-love, to Mia, who soared from a few hundred dollars to a 30k launch, their transformations inspire us all.  So, as you hear these celebrations, ask yourself: • How does it make me feel? • Does it ignite possibility or stoke scarcity?  Let's lean into inspiration and visualize our own victories! 🫶🏼  Connect with me on Instagram @PetiaKolibova and share your dreams!  And remember to leave a review to spread the message of abundance!   Until next time, keep embracing your journey to abundance! 


PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

Link to review is below:
