Not like you need saving girl, YET today I want to share with you three easy steps on how to become a manifesting magnet! 


Sometimes we all deep inside of us are screaming for help, guidance and advice and might feel afraid to let it out and ask for the S.O.S.

Today I am bringing it to you :-)


Specific Goals

You get to be specific about your desires. You can’t just say, I want to be financially free.

Ask yourself:
You get to know what that would look like for you?
How much money you want to make a week, a month, how much money you see on your account when you log in online, how much you have saved, invested etc.

Be specific in your wishes YET when journaling about them or thinking about them you get to say:

This or something better. 


Open yourself 

You get to open yourself to wilder possibilities.
When we desire something we look right, left, we look at our past and base our desires on being “realistic”.
What we have seen was possible in our parents, friends, and our environment. 

Once we can open ourselves to something bigger, better, we are allowing things that were up until now out of our radar to come. 


Ask yourself:

What would it feel like….

What would it be like…

What would it look like….

What would it smell like…


When you receive your desires?


When you ask yourself these questions your subconscious mind isn’t fighting it with reality check, it is open for the possibilities. 

And it is the new possibilities that can bring it in. 



I am raising my hand here as the one who tried to control it all. For the sense of control and stability I have created eating disorder for over 18 years, I invested money and time in toxic relationships to feel loved and validated and I truly wish something better for you love.
What I desire for you is abundance, flow, ease, effortlessness. 

When we surrender we relax, when we relax, we open, when we open we can receive. 


Ask yourself:
Where in my life I can let go of control?
Where in my life I can give myself permission to relax?
How can I surrender even more in my life?
What would it feel like in my body to fully let go of uneasiness?


These S.O.S steps are so easy to take.
Also they are easy not to take. 

It is truly in your hands to become the manifesting magnet to all of your desires.

And if you need extra support with that remember to download my freebie I have created for you. 


If you've been trying to shift your money mindset towards abundance and prosperity, you need this money mindset matters freebie. It will help you re-write any outdated beliefs about money to supercharge your attraction and magnetism for all the good that is coming to you, NOW.


Get your free gift here:


Ps: Have you join my free private FB group yet? It’s only high vibe ladies who are supporting each other thrive in life.

Excited to see you there!