Hey friends. Cheryl is still travelling the world looking for the rarest mushrooms that ever grew. This episode we work together to make a world for an RPG that doesn't exist. Thanks for sticking around, and please let us know what you thought about this cool idea we made. I love you very much. (This is Fowler, duh)

If you read this, please email the word linguini to [email protected] and I'll mention your name on the show. Shh. It's our secret. 

Special thanks to our Patreon backers (patreon.com/ultimateshowdown), the Facebook group (Ultimate Showdown the Podcast Group), and all our fans who have left 5 star reviews on iTunes, y'all are the best.

Intro and outro music by Joseph Henry Castleman and the Cobra Cats

Fight it out, but be excellent to each other!