You know how sometimes life just doesn't go your way? How sometimes the most endearing host on your podcast just up and leaves you for a few weeks? How sometimes the last good recording you had with that host gets destroyed by another host's incompetence? All of that has happened to us here at Ultimate Showdown in the last two weeks.

We're sorry this one is forever late, and everything went wrong. Please... Uh... Enjoy? I don't know if that's the right word for your relationship with this episode, but please... Consume. Yeah. Consume this filler episode of Ultimate Showdown. We promise things will get better once Cheryl is back.

Special thanks to our Patreon backers (, the Facebook group (Ultimate Showdown the Podcast Group), and all our fans who have left 5 star reviews on iTunes, y'all are the best.

Intro and outro music by Joseph Henry Castleman and the Cobra Cats

Fight it out, but be excellent to each other!