Episode 15 - How I Plan My Content

In this episode I give you my entire framework for content planning. Yeah! The whole thing! WOO!

Goals & Strategy
You know me, everything starts with a goal. Right now my goal is to relaunch Podcast Rocket in the first week of September, and get 100 registrations for my course. So my content is going to be extremely focused on sharing valuable information for anyone who is considering starting a podcast right now.

When planning your content, consider the campaigns and activities you’ll be running throughout the year and do your best to tie your content closely to those activities strategically. It’s fine to include some topics that are timely or that are maybe more off the cuff and less relevant, but the more time you spend thinking about what your audience is actually going to want, the easier it will be for you connect with them in a meaningful way.

Also consider that planning your content in advance (i.e. quarterly instead of monthly, or even weekly! eek!) will allow you to produce polished content consistently. There’s nothing worse than editing your podcasts and videos the night before they’re supposed to come out. Trust me, I know this one all too well.

You can create your spreadsheet annually, quarterly, monthly or weekly. I like to plan quarterly so that I can take a more strategic approach to everything I produce so that it all points to one goal in a shorter amount of time.

Now that you have your strategy laid out and your spreadsheet framework built, you can start listing topics that will support your strategy. Use my free mini-course “Your First 52 Podcast Topics” https://theultimatecreative.com/free-podcast-mini-course/ to generate a list of topics in 30 minutes. You can use this for any type of content, blogs, videos, podcasts, heck - even IG Lives!

Staying Organized and Consistent
Once my content is roughly laid out in my spreadsheet, I will add it to a tool called StoryChief (which I am using right now to type out this blog) using the content calendar. This way, I can see at a glance whether I need to add/remove or adjust my content schedule to fit different timelines.

Production Schedule
Make it! Keep it! Stick with it!
I always bulk write/record/edit my blogs/podcasts/videos because it’s just SO much easier to stay in that headspace for one day a month than it is to try to be excited about it multiple times a week. That works for me, you might prefer to record weekly instead! But keep that schedule consistent so that you’re not stuck without content at the last minute. It’s a slippery slope to skip a week here or there!

Read the full show notes and get all the links at https://theultimatecreative.com/how-i-plan-my-content