This week on The Ultimate Creative Podcast I had the absolute pleasure to interview Nia Lee from Socialee Savvy! She's a true entrepreneur, unafraid to take on challenges and try new things to see where they can take her next! And what I love most about her entrepreneurial spirit is her authenticity. 

“Are you getting this?”
I first came across Nia in this post on Instagram:

I mean, if you’re not instantly hooked on Nia’s content, you’re definitely confused about what great content is. 

"Video has always been a great way for me to be myself, be super personable, and get people to see my personality. The more consistent that you are with it, that's what sets people (and brands) apart."⁠

Nia’s authenticity shines through in her videos, which really is what everyone is striving to accomplish with their content. Plus, you really get to know her before even meeting her! This makes it incredibly easy for her to find clients that match her personality (like moi!)

"It's not even necessarily what's being filmed, it's not even the quality, it's, it's about consistency. It's about, your willing to show up as much as possible and getting people engaged in you. They really want to see if they can invest in you.”

It’s also about community.
Like a true entrepreneur, Nia saw an opportunity to start building out a community with a membership tool that came with her course builder, Podia. It was a natural fit for Nia to begin building out a membership that focuses on creating amazing video content, and because she already had a base of followers that LOVED her video content, the memberships started rolling in!

“The women who joined my accelerator were automatically in the membership. And then when I started promoting it just a little bit more... slowly but surely, it has become a continuation of the community.”

This is an episode to SAVE!⁠
She is truly inspirational especially if you're thinking about working on your video presence and don't know where to start. ⁠Truly, I spent 2 hours with her and she completely changed my capacity to produce videos to elevate my brand!⁠⁠

"We live in a world where everybody's out here doing something. As human beings, we're always looking for touch points. We're always looking for ways to relate to people. We're always looking for ways to be somebody's friend, or buy from someone. Video has been such an integral part of building that touchpoint.⁠”

Links mentioned in this episode:
Socialee Media Agency:
Episode 10: Being Yourself On Your Podcast:
Nia’s Instagram:
Work With Nia: 
Socialee Membership/Accelerator: