For this special series of the podcast, leading up to Microsoft Inspire, I interview leaders from Microsoft's One Commercial Partner team to discuss the work that their teams are doing in this age of rapid digital transformation.

My guest for this episode of the podcast is Melissa Mulholland -  Melissa is the worldwide lead driving strategy and business development for how businesses can be profitable in the Cloud. Specifically, Melissa is focused on enabling partners and customers to accelerate their business transformation in the Cloud delivering increased profitability, efficiency, and scale across Microsoft's Cloud services.

In this episode Melissa and I discuss her work consulting with Microsoft Patners to transform their businesses – the amazing body of work she and the team have produced to help partner capitilze on the digital transformation opportunity - her career journey - and what’s in store for partners at Microsoft Inspire, July 15 to the 19th in Las Vegas, NV.

If you are coming to Inspire, please join me in the Commons Theater on Wednesday, July 18th at 2:30 for a special session where I’ll share “What they don’t teach working with Microsoft”.

You can listen to the podcast or view the transcript here or on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Google Play, Player FM, other Android podcast players.

As with each of my interview and articles, I appreciate your feedback. You can reach out to me on Linked In, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or on email at [email protected]. You can also review this podcast by going to iTunes and searching “Ultimate Guide to Partnering” and clicking on the album art and hitting the rating link. This helps others find the podcast.

Links to the content we discussed:

The Digital Transformation Opportunity eBook Series

Inspire Session:

How to reach Melissa :

Transcript of the Interview

Vince:                 Melissa, welcome to the podcast.

Melissa M:         Thank you so you much, Vince.  It's a pleasure to be here today. I love getting the opportunity to connect with people like yourselves, and the partner community.

Vince:                 Well, thank you for taking the time from your compressed schedule to talk to our listeners about the amazing work you and the team have been doing to enable and empower our partners, and all the great sessions in store for partners next week at Microsoft Inspire. And, I know just how busy this week must be for you. So, again, thank you so much.

Melissa M:         Of course. The pleasure's all mine. When it comes down to it, it's being able to connect with the partner community that inspires me. It gives me all the great insight around the work that I do at Microsoft, because it's thanks to partners that really drive our revenue across our ecosytem.

Vince:                 So, for our listeners who don't know, can you explain your role and mission in the Worldwide One Commercial Partner Organization at Microsoft?

Melissa M:         Thanks for that. Yes. So, I've been at Microsoft ten, across a variety of different roles. But, I would say that the role I'm currently in right now, is by far, the one I'm having the most fun in, in my ten years at Microsoft.

So, in the one commercial partner organization, I help partners by consulting them and helping them drive their business transformation, with the ultimate objectivity of course, of being profitable. And, I do that by, going and listening, and learning from successful companies that have built specialization and focus areas in helping drive customer problems. And so, it's been a really interesting journey over the past year, that I've been in this space, because it's fostered all this great content that we are able to share out with the broader ecosystem. So, many are maybe familiar with Partner Practice Developme...