Yesterday I had a driving lesson with one of my least favourite pupils. Least favourite because she really makes me work for my money (which is not bad), but attitude conveys the message that she doesn't seem to be taking things seriously enough for someone who wants to pass the driving test first time.

She hadn't had a driving lesson for about 10 days, so my intentions where to do a bit of revision by driving around the roads we used last going over what we had already learnt (she's a relatively a beginner), and then introduce something new a little later in the lesson if progress was made.

She drove off from her house, and we headed to the area where we normally do our manoeuvres.

The first manoeuvre we were to do was the parallel parking exercise, we had gone over the exercise a few times, and because she was having problems with it I had asked to make sure she wrote the steps in a notebook and went over it in between driving lessons as well as check out my video tutorial which I gave her the link to.

She pulled up alongside the designated car, reversed till the back of the cars were level, then for some reason started to turn the wheel right instead of left, after a while she realised her mistake corrected it but the car was already out of position, and she still didn't remember the rest of the manoeuvre anyway, so I had to spend the next 10 minutes refreshing the exercise.

I wanted us to drive around a little before we tried the next exercise, when I noticed that her approach to T Junctions was too fast (it was almost as if she wanted to get us killed in an accident), and we now had to address that issue! Even while we were doing this, she seemed to always want to brake at the last minute as she approached the junction, at one point she actually crossed the give way lines and stopped in the junction.

Parallel Parking Driving Lesson Video

To cut a long story short the whole driving lesson was spent revising what we had already learnt, and I had to insist that she get a copy of the The Highway Code and revise on the driving theory, especially junctions how to approach and the other things that we had done during the day's lesson.

The first thing I will check on Tuesday when she has her next driving lesson is to see the copy of the book, hopefully I will have a less stressful hour, but more importantly she will be able to get good value for her money by not spending too much time in revision.

More Driving Lesson Tips

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