Today, I have the pleasure to speak to Hugo Pickleford-Wardle, co-founder of Startup Sherpas.  A collective of amazing people striving to help teens bring their ideas to life. Teaching them to do product and innovation properly.

If anyone has the right credentials to teach children how to build a start-up, Hugo is the man.

He started his first business at 6 years old, selling Pot Pourri to golfers in Worcester!  Since then he has done lots of Startups.  He created Mr Truffles, selling fresh truffles to Domestic and Michelin Star chefs.   He created an airline for skiers and has worked with some of the world’s biggest companies like Times and Vogue.  He had his own innovation consultancy which had a couple of million-pound revenue.

Sounds like a success story?  Hugo has also had his equal share of failure along the way.

They were working with adult career changers and realised that they were reaching people too late.  Teaching them entrepreneurial skills which they should have learned at school.

That’s when Start up Sherpa was born.  They also help young people achieve a basic income so they can focus on what they really care about, and to help rapid change and growth in a sustainable way both for the students and for the world.

We talk about and what you will learn:

➤Hugo’s entrepreneurial journey

➤Why it’s important for teenagers to learn how to build their own Startups

➤Startup Sherpas free Ideas Camp for teenagers this summer

➤Startup Sherpas programmes

➤How to bring your ideas to life

➤Having a purpose in life

➤Making choices based on the things that you care about

➤A healthy and moral way to look at success

➤ Important Life skills

Plus much more…… lots of advice throughout.

Resource mentioned:

The 100 year life book

Hugo can be reached here:

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