Series 2, Episode 2

Finance January – Helping teenagers/young adults to make responsible decisions

Gavin Cameron, Car Buying Guru shares his insights and knowledge about Car Finance. An area, which often gets forgotten, when it comes to financial management/literacy.

After several years of working in the motor trade, Gavin and his partner Lee went on a mission to hatch out a plan to remove the mystery that was covering the motor trade.  Wanting to make car finance more transparent and easy to understand.

Gavin shares his own journey and the bad decisions he made.  He now helps people to make more informed decisions before buying a car, especially young adults.  Educating and empowering them to make responsible financial decisions.

A candid and frank conversation with lots of advice and tips throughout.

Tune in Now!

Gavin’s contact details”

Website -

Facebook - carbuyingguruuk

Instagram – Mrgavincameron