Today I have the pleasure chatting with Jack Parsons, UK’s Chief Youth Officer, The Youth Group.

Jack is an incredible young man. A young adult, passionate about other young adults. I had so much fun chatting with him. I left the interview feeling empowered and inspired. I hope you do too!

Jack had a tough childhood, growing up in an unstable home. His mum was an alcoholic and violent. He was also bullied at school.

Jack decided to make it his mission and passion to help young people. Not wanting any young person to grow up feeling lonely or unloved, like he did. He also wanted to change the ‘system’ to improve the odds for disadvantaged young people to be able to gain access to the same opportunities as any other person.

Jack started working with 10 unemployed youth, supporting them to find employment. 3 years later he has helped and changed the future of over 90,000 youth adults and has a global community of over 1.7 million people.

Alongside running The Youth Group and leading on youth empowerment, employment and digital skills, Jack is an entrepreneur, public speaker, global ambassador for mental health awareness in the workplace and education.

The number one value which he prides himself, is his kindness which has helped get him where he is and what allows him to achieve his goals.

Throughout, Jack shares lots of great advice and insights. The number one takeaway is - ‘You need a duvet flip. You need a reason to flip your duvet and get out of bed in the morning’.

Tune in now to hear Jack’s inspiring story.

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