Winco Chau, Air Veteran, Counsellor, Executive Coach and Lifestyle Coach.

I had the privilege and the honour to chat with Winco Chau who is a Air Veteran, Counsellor, Executive Coach and Lifestyle Coach. 

Coming from a defence background, Chau spent his childhood in Airforce stations, being educated in various schools, colleges and universities across Indian subcontinent.

Growing up with disempowering beliefs and a weak mental status, with no focus, purpose or goals, Winco cruised through life after his grades took a nose dive at school.  Not getting the qualifications he wanted to become a pilot, he decided to join the ranks.  Despite being told that he had a medical condition, Chau went on to achieve many great things, and ended up serving in the Airforce for 34 years.

Now in the coaching field, Chau's mission is to empower one million entrepreneurs, executives & youth, with sustainable resilient lifestyle through spiritual intelligence. Transforming their reality and creative destiny.

We also talk about tapping into your inner self, empowering young people, the education curriculum in India, plus much, much more.

Chau brings his charm, sense of humour and pearls of wisdom to the table.

Tune in and Enjoy!