A published book can magically boost your authority in the field. But how do you get started with your first one? Today our special guest is Rachel Andrew, a famous writer, speaker, co-founder of Perch CMS, and CSS Working Group Invited Expert. Rachel talks about her writing process, reviews publishing options, and shares practical tips with the new authors.

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Show Notes

The New CSS Layout — Rachel's new book
Perch CMS — Rachel's product with Drew McLellan
The list of Rachel's 22 books
An Event Apart, CSS Dev, Smashing Conf — some of Rachel's favorite conferences
Notist — a new product for conference speakers by Drew and Rachel
A Book Apart — Rachel's latest publisher
The CSS Anthology — one of Rachel's most popular books
Authority — a book by Nathan Barry
How to write content for an international audience — an article by Joe Leech
The Brain Audit — one of Jane's favorite books by Sean D'Souza
Smashing Magazine, A List Apart — websites where Rachel helps as an editor
Rachel's website
Follow Rachel on Twitter: @rachelandrew

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