Technical training is a great place to be: instructors get paid well for teaching domain knowledge to large companies (who have dedicated budgets). But how do you get your foot in the door? In this episode, Reuven Lerner — a famous trainer, author, and consultant — gives us a detailed introduction into the industry. You'll learn what the training process looks like, what kind of knowledge you need, and how to land your first training gig.

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Show Notes

Training From the Back of the Room! — a book by Sharon L. Bowman
Telling Ain't Training — a book by Harold D. Stolovitch and Erica J. Keeps
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School — a famous textbook on cognitive science
Steve Martin Teaches Comedy — a course on crafting jokes
Reuven's website
Reuven's blog
Trainer Weekly, Better Developer, Mandarin Weekly, Weekly Python Exercise — Reuven's newsletters
Follow Reuven on Twitter: @reuvenmlerner

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