How can designers take business leadership roles? What skills can make them more relevant in the entire business system? Our guest today is Ryan Rumsey, the founder of Second Wave Dive and the author of Business Thinking for Designers. You’ll learn about the various types of leadership, as well as the tools and strategies designers can use at the decision-making table.

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Show NotesBusiness Thinking for Designers — Ryan’s bookTransformational leadership — a concept of leadership suggested by RyanDesign sprints, retrospectives — the designer “ceremonies”Analytical storytelling — the alternative to traditional narrative storytellingBarbara Minto — the founder of the SCQA framework and Pyramid PrincipleEpisode 70: Articulating Design Decisions with Tom GreeverFull range leadership — a general leadership model that was developed in the 90sTransactional leadership — Ryan refers to this type of leadership as more authoritarianOKRs, KPIs — both great and necessary according to Ryan, but lack any relation between them and can prove to be a struggle within the organization.Ryan Rumsey — Ryan’s personal websiteSecond Wave Dive — Ryan’s companyUse coupon code UIBREAKFAST to get $200 off Ryan’s upcoming course, Business Thinking IntensiveToday’s Sponsor

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