Growing a SaaS company is such a slow process. How do you know if you're on the right track? Our guest today is Derrick Reimer, a founder of several SaaS companies and a fellow podcaster. You'll learn the story of his previous SaaS product, multiple ways to validate your product idea, and what are the signals that a product-market fit is happening (or not).

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Show NotesI'm Walking Away From the Product I Spent a Year Building — Derrick's post-mortem article about Level37signals — the original site from 1999Getting Real — a book by 37signalsStart Small, Stay Small — a book by Rob WallingDrip — Derrick's previous product with Rob Walling (acquired by Leadpages)The Mom Test — a book by Rob Fitzpatrick on talking to customersStaticKit — Derrick's current productThe Art of Product — Derrick's podcast with Ben OrensteinDerrick's personal websiteFollow Derrick on Twitter: @derrickreimerToday's Sponsor

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