In this episode of UCYP, Tim and Megan have an Uphill Conversation with Tyler Harris on his early journey of self discovery, strength in vulnerability + waging war on personal change.

Show Notes:

Putting value out into the world via social media
Mentors can breathe life back into you
“Just an ordinary guy trying to do extraordinary things by putting in the extra work”
Your life can be turned upside down in an instant
Emotional and mental impact of finding yourself alone – no distractions, no noise
Taking ownership rather than playing the victim in your own life
What if instead of focusing on accolades + things we focused on being an exceptional human beings?
Why Tyler is building something with no expectation of financial gain
Adversity + transformation vs. transaction
Desire to help others experience difficult life challenges sooner
Difference between motivation (external) + inspiration (internal)
Comeback of vulnerability and recognizing it as a strength: “The rise of the real”
Tendency to compare ourselves and our successes and struggles to others and placing higher value on greater struggles
Tyler’s mentality of running from negativity
Need to evaluate the things + people you allow into your life
Instead of focusing on passion, ask: “Are you chasing hustle or are you chasing your gifts?”
Make a decision on how you are going to choose to live today
Tyler’s advice to YPs: have patience + stop trying to play catch up

Guest Bio: In the last 3 years, Tyler Harris has gone from unemployed to $700k/year by waging war on personal change.  In that same time, he got married, had his first child, and started a church.  He is the National Coordinator of a life insurance company that serves our nation’s heroes- First Responders.  A year ago, Tyler began documenting his life on social media as a way to “pay it forward” and provide value with zero expectation of anything in return.  in 12 months, he has taken his social media presence from zero to a weekly reach of 50million people.  Tyler spends 200+ nights one the road each year, but enjoys living in downtown Greenville, SC.

Check Tim + Megan out on Tyler’s vlog “The Daily Bread” episode #11.

Connect with Tyler

Facebook: tylerharrispage
Instagram: @tylerharrispage
Facebook: motivationkings
Instagram: @motivationkings
Facebook: saleswolvespodcast
iTunes: sales-wolves-podcast


Jonathan Parker Episode UCYP 14 – What Type of Vocal Art are you Creating?
Greg Centineo Uphill Conversations Episode 62 – Living a Life by Design
Mask of Masculinity, Lewis Howes
Eric Thomas – “ET, The Hip Hop Preacher”


In this episode of UCYP, Tim and Megan have an Uphill Conversation with Tyler Harris on his early journey of self discovery, strength in vulnerability + waging war on personal change.

Show Notes:

Putting value out into the world via social media
Mentors can breathe life back into you
“Just an ordinary guy trying to do extraordinary things by putting in the extra work”
Your life can be turned upside down in an instant
Emotional and mental impact of finding yourself alone – no distractions, no noise
Taking ownership rather than playing the victim in your own life
What if instead of focusing on accolades + things we focused on being an exceptional human beings?
Why Tyler is building something with no expectation of financial gain
Adversity + transformation vs. transaction
Desire to help others experience difficult life challenges sooner
Difference between motivation (external) + inspiration (internal)
Comeback of vulnerability and recognizing it as a strength: “The rise of the real”
Tendency to compare ourselves and our successes and struggles to others and placing higher value on greater struggles
Tyler’s mentality of running from negativity
Need to evaluate the things + people you allow into your life
Instead of focusing on passion, ask: “Are you chasing hustle or are you chasing your gifts?”
Make a decision on how you are going to choose to live today
Tyler’s advice to YPs: have patience + stop trying to play catch up

Guest Bio: In the last 3 years, Tyler Harris has gone from unemployed to $700k/year by waging war on personal change.  In that same time, he got married, had his first child, and started a church.  He is the National Coordinator of a life insurance company that serves our nation’s heroes- First Responders.  A year ago, Tyler began documenting his life on social media as a way to “pay it forward” and provide value with zero expectation of anything in return.  in 12 months, he has taken his social media presence from zero to a weekly reach of 50million people.  Tyler spends 200+ nights one the road each year, but enjoys living in downtown Greenville, SC.

Check Tim + Megan out on Tyler’s vlog “The Daily Bread” episode #11.

Connect with Tyler

Facebook: tylerharrispage
Instagram: @tylerharrispage
Facebook: motivationkings
Instagram: @motivationkings
Facebook: saleswolvespodcast
iTunes: sales-wolves-podcast


Jonathan Parker Episode UCYP 14 – What Type of Vocal Art are you Creating?
Greg Centineo Uphill Conversations Episode 62 – Living a Life by Design
Mask of Masculinity, Lewis Howes
Eric Thomas – “ET, The Hip Hop Preacher”

INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC (Used by permission):

© 2017 UCYP Theme written and arranged by Luke Pecoraro all rights reserved.
© 2017 UCYP (Uphill Conversations Young Professionals) (UCYP is an Uphill Strategies, LLC production)

The post 18: YP Perspective – Waging War on Personal Change appeared first on Uphill Conversations.