David Elms is a rising star of stand-up - an original and exciting comedian, writer and actor!

David is a student of linguistics at Edinburgh University and has just come back from performing for the month at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where he performed in the Chortle Student Comedy Awards Final. David's first heat, which he won, was at UCL!

David will be performing as part of the AAA Batteries Show from the Edinburgh Festival along with Adam Hess and Chris Turner at The Leicester Square Theatre on 2nd October.

Tickets £7: http://leicestersquaretheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/873485863/events

Show 9pm


Sara Shulman is the Founder and Editor of Comedy Blogedy, former Head of Comedy at UCLU Rare FM and produces the Humour Me Comedy Podcast. Sara is also a Classics Undergraduate at UCL.

Image credit - Andy Hollingworth Archive

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