Jason and Matthew interview Dr. Uzma Samadani, a neurosurgeon working in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Samadani participated in the EStand trial (https://www.estand.org/) along with David Darrow, Ann Parr and Taye Nettoff. We decided to interview Dr. Samadani based on her experience of implanting epidural stimulators in people with SCI - as part of her clinical practice - instead of the current approach, which is to limit access to only those enrolled in a relevant clinical trial. We talk about her process for making this decision and its attendant complexities, as well as her experience with the EStand trial.

We encourage you to listen back to our interviews with spinal stimulation researchers:
- David Darrow (Episode 30)
- Susan Harkema (Episode 41)
- Gregoire Courtine (Episode 44)
- Jason Carmel (Episode 45)
- Chet Moritz (Episode 13)
- Andre Krossioukov (Episode 26)
- Mayo Clinic researchers Kendall Lee, Kristin Zhao and Igor Lavrov (Episode 11)

Revisiting these conversations will give you better context and a broader understanding of today’s discussion with Dr. Samadani and its implications.

Also, please listen to the interview we conducted with SCI community members, Kathy Allen and Sandra Mulder (Episode 31), both participants in the EStand Trial.

Lastly, check out our upcoming Science and Advocacy Symposium (register here) which will feature spinal stimulation presentations from Drs. Reggie Edgerton, Susan Harkema and David Darrow.