Today’s podcast topic is Part 2 of our Seven Deadly Sins Series which will cover sloth.  As we have advance with technology things have gotten much easier for humanity in highly developed countries.  On the flip side, that has increased laziness and inaction.  People are so used to things being available instantly that they lack patience.  Folks don’t feel they need to put in hard work to earn things.  Dreams are being killed because people will spend hours a day binge watching a screen or searching social media with no real purpose.  People can’t find the 5-20 mins a day to perform a task, pray, or read the Bible. Yet, they can stay up past their bedtime scrolling on their phone or doing some other worthless tasks.  We have gotten comfortable with inaction and are making the devil’s job easier.  While souls are being lost and work needs to be done, we are sitting around looking at screen or laying around.  Or maybe we are active and super outgoing…for the world but neglect to use any of that energy or ambition for God’s kingdom.  That kind of behavior sloth hiding in sheep’s clothing.