TwoSistas on a MindsetMonday, February 27, 2023, welcome for his 5th appearance, our special guest, Paul Forchione!  Paul is a Mindset / Life Coach and Owner of  Paul is the perfect guest for at any time but of course especially for MindsetMonday!   [Today’s podcast was also simulcasted through the Wisdom Audio App and yes, we had a slight audio glitch and no, we don’t let that stop us!]

Paul’s story continues to evolve and inspire those around him.  Paul shared with us that there are (2) very important things he has learned from his coaching business:  (1) actively listening and (2) empathy.  It’s an art which Paul takes very seriously.  It’s not so much about what or how we hear but intuitively and actively listening.

Paul shared in great detail the art and the how to’s and how creating a safe space for someone to rewrite their story engages them to interact in a way where they feel that they are heard!  Sometimes we interject too quickly because we are so eager to tell our point of view!  Paul also shared some amazing strategies!

We chatted also about the internal dialogue and conversations that we have with ourselves in our mind on a daily basis and unfortunately, some of them are very negative.  The thing is that as Paul mentioned, we would never think to talk to someone else with such negativity yet we do that with ourselves!

Sometimes it’s the negativity that we focus on too much; for instance, Janis shared that sometimes her negativity is fear based.  She shared that she wanted to do a “live” on her personal Facebook page and for about (5) minutes she was having a negative internal dialogue - finally, she had the courage and just did it anyway!

Paul also shared the backdrop of his story.  He was born with cerebral palsy and it was so severe that the doctors told his Mom that he would never be able to walk. Thank goodness for a wonderful Mom and a great mindset that wasn’t his destiny. He was able to overcome it and is now able to live a very active life, however it wasn’t easy to get to at that point.

Paul continues to share his story with his clients to help them overcome obstacles in their lives and to also coach them to rewrite their stories!  We continue to be amazed at Paul's story and his vulnerability and how he helps others do the same!

To learn more about Paul and his services and to connect with him further, please check out his website and his very supportive and interactive Facebook Group:

Question of the Day:  How will you rewrite your story?

Thank you Paul - we can’t wait to have you back on the TwoSistas podcast!  Let us know what you thought of today’s MindsetMonday episode.   Please go to our website and leave us a voice message: