TwoSistas and its MindsetMonday, February 13, 2023 with Kellina Powell.  Kellina is an Author / CEO / Coach and Speaker.  She is a young entrepreneur who loves to help people with their personal growth and educate others about the deaf community.

Little do people know Kellina is actually a hard of hearing person. She became deaf at the age of 4.  She recently graduated with a psychology degree and is now starting her own online coaching business while launching her book!

To say that she overcame obstacles is an understatement!  Many would say that along the way, those obstacles gave her a further opportunity to set the groundwork and define on her terms what her “hard” would be.

She shared details on growing up and transitioning from a deaf school to a public school education and the hurdles she encountered along the way.  Thankfully, Kellina had very supportive people in her family.  From a teacher that refused to wear a microphone so that Kellina could hear the lessons to a guidance counselor who encouraged her not to pursue her goals and dreams to go for the bigger picture.

Kellina did not accept the status quo; in fact, she created it!  From not being accepted to any of the colleges and universities she applied to, then to only find out that said guidance counselor “forgot” to put her grades in, she took that as an opportunity to pursue her dreams even more so!!  Kellina would show ALL that she was not limited by her disability, but embraced it in such a way where she could empower others.

Kellina’s outlook on mindset is spot on!   She recently graduated with a psychology degree and is now starting her own online coaching business while launching her book!

As Kellina mentioned, keep your circle tight with the right people around you to always support and encourage you - that is how you should define your success!

Thank you so much Kellina!  To learn more about Kellina and to connect with her further or to purchase her book, please check out her website and various other social media platforms:

Question of the Day - How do you define success?

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