TwoSistas on this Memorial Day - we honor those in the military service and their families who have paid the ultimate sacrifice - we honor and respect you - YOU are all the reason we enjoy the freedom and liberties today!!  To the families of the veterans who lost their lives - may the love, peace and all of your amazing memories of your loved ones always fill your hearts - thank you!!

Memorial Day is also the "official" start of the grilling season - what is your favorite side dish and what are you grilling today?  Did someone say "grilled" fruit??!!  Janis' amazing friend, Sandi Kern, shared that you can grill the following fruits on your grill:  pineapple, watermelon, pears, mango, banana, peaches and nectarines.  By the way, grilled fruit is featured in Sandi's cook book due to be out June, 2021:  Desire to be Well - Recipes & Wellness for Health and Happiness!  We will let you know when it's available.