3:40 Chapo Trap House and the phenomenon of internet trolling
8:34 Jordan Peterson
38:01 Postmodernism versus analytic philosophy
40:10 The difference between the new critical theorists and the classic postmodernists
43:56 The implications of this for literary criticism
50:19 Baudrillard—Oliver's favourite postmodernist
51:33 Why postmodernism isn't neo-Marxist
55:35 Complicity and trolling
1:07:30 Free speech, social media and content moderation
1:27:52 Should Oliver celebrate things more and write fewer snarky takedowns?

Oliver’s column for Arc Digital can be found here:

Oliver’s articles for Areo can be found here:

You can follow Oliver on Twitter @olivertraldi

Victor’s podcast can be found here:

You can follow Victor on Twitter @cognitivicta

Further References

Oliver’s article on Chapo Trap House and Jordan Peterson:

Oliver on complicity:

Democratic Socialists of America:

“The Intentional Fallacy” from The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry. W. K. Wimsatt, Jr., and Monroe C. Beardsley (1954):

Jordan Peterson, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999) and 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018)

Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay’s interview with Jordan Peterson:

Cathy Young’s piece on Candace Owens for Quillette:

Jordan Peterson’s interview with Cathy Newman:

Jordan Peterson discusses his concept of truth on Sam Harris’ podcast Making Sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OqrZs9srHs

Jean Baudrillard, The Iraq War Did Not Take Place (1995):

“Postmodernism isn’t playing around anymore” article by Oliver Traldi:

John Milon, Paradise Lost (1667); Alexander Pope, To a Lady. Of the Characters of Women (1743).

Gurwinder Bhogal on deradicalising Neo-Nazis on Twitter:

Also mentioned: Kate Manne; Luce Iragaray; Robin Di Angelo; Sarah Haider; Shoe 0n Head; James Damore; Stefan Molyneux; Robby Soave