24:11 Should we continue to criticise Islam in the age of Trump or is white nationalism and, in India, Hindutva now a greater threat?
31:13 The close-knit Ahmadi community & the pressures it brings. Sexual segregation. Rules about marriage. Double standards for Ahmadi women.
36:31 Homosexuality in Ahmaddiyat
38:24 Proselytisation
39:48 Raising children within a religion
41:42 Ahmadis in the Western media: contradictions and hypocrises
49:12 Should we respect religion?
51:07 Our overemphasis on terrorism
53:30 Why Ahmadi teachings are non-violent
56:01 Mediated readings of the Quran
1:02:19 Sohail’s experiences of leaving the faith: why he became an activist
1:11:04 Philosophy communities, which might replace religious ones
1:24:17 Adultery versus polyamory

Sohail’s video “Why I am leaving Islam and Ahmadiyyat” can be found here:

Please check the extensive shownotes to that video for links to his written and video work.

His interview with the Secular Jihadists can be found here:

For more on the Ex-Muslims of North America:

For more on Muslimish, see:

You can follow Sohail on Twitter @ReasonOnFaith

Other references

Eiynah “Nice Mangos” on criticising Islam in the age of Trump:

Douglas Murray, “Here we go again, but this time, je suis Berlin”:

Sohail’s response to this article:

See also Qasim Rashid (@QuasimRashid, formerly @MuslimIQ);
Alishba Zarmeen (@SecularlyYours)

Ali Amjad Rizvi, The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason (2016)

Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2014)

The episode of this podcast in which we discuss the theory that early humans were polyamorous is Episode 14 with Cody Moser and William Buckner: