Hawken Miller is an accomplished young writer with a clear purpose in life.  He is an incredible representative for the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Community and he has a passion for the work of CureDuchenne.

Writing is his chosen medium and he has a keen interest in the e-sports world.  He uses video games to connect with others in the Duchenne Community and he uses writing to explain video games to the every day person.  Hawken is a recent graduate of USC and his journalism experience includes The Sacramento Bee, KTLA, The Washington Post, and Bio News Services.

Visit Hawken's website: http://hawkenmiller.com 

Read his most recent columns: https://musculardystrophynews.com/category/hawks-eye-view-a-column-by-hawken-miller/

And find out about the work of CureDuchenne: https://www.cureduchenne.org/