We encounter decisions constantly.  Some are simple with clear answers like "Should I do the dishes today?" but some are complex and consequential like "Should I cancel upcoming travel due to coronavirus?". 

The Two Disabled Dudes believe that Life is about How We React.  How we think when we are faced with decisions and how we weigh out the potential consequences can have an impact on how we react. 

In this episode, the dudes discuss 4 simple tips to help us think about the decisions in our lives:

Remove the emotion from the equation - Many tough decisions in our lives evoke abundant emotion which can often cloud our reasoning.  If we can temporarily remove emotion from the situation as we are thinking about the decision, it will help us focus on the facts and make an objective decision. Ask yourself "How does this affect the outcome?" - Sean and Kyle use the example of making the decision to sit down in a wheelchair or purchase an adaptive van.  They talk about the face that these decisions do not change hte goal or the purpose in life, they just change the method we use to get there. Remove finances from the situation - If we think about it, it's clear that there are things in life that are more valuable than money. Sometimes, we need to let our health, time, or relationships win out over financial considerations in our lives. In this episode, Sean suggests that we can change the way we think about a decision by removing finances from the situation. He's not saying that we need to stop thinking about finances all together but if we temporarily remove money from the situation in our mind, it can help us think more clearly about things that may matter more to us. Discuss with close friends and family - This is something our past Guest, Jeremy Cowart talked about. Our friends and family know us best, and when we are thinking about a tough decision it is valuable to talk with them about so we can solidify our thinking in our own heads, and get a third party perspective who might be able to provide sound advice.

This is only a taste of the conversation.  Listen to this episode and see if you can relate - and then leave a comment below with your techniques for confronting the decisions in your life.