No guests this week; just us two dudes, and we want to get some things off of our chest.

First Kyle has some gripes about hotel-accessibility. Anybody has some cheese to go with Kyle’s whine? He should get a stress ball. Kyle shouts about shampoo reachability. And towels too.


It’s easy to dismiss this aggravation as a small deal, a first-world problem. But accessibility is a fundamental issue for people with disabilities; without it, we can’t get around in the world. So even though we joke about it, our frustration is real. Being as independent as possible is a huge deal to us and to all those with disabilities.


Sean talks about the nonprofit that he started, De:terminence, helping people accomplish whatever goal they may have, despite whatever disabilities they may have. They have an upcoming hiking trip up the 14 tallest mountains in California, one at a time, starting this summer. Find out more info and sign up here.


Kyle updates us on the progress of his upcoming book. And the Dudes are headed to rideATAXIA Australia in Melbourne on October 28. Details here:


Thanks for letting us catch up with you this week!